Think about what you are going to school for and why you decided to go back. That will be the motivation to keep you going when times get tough. You…
Janella Bryant
Online Campus
Everybody at Herzing is nice and friendly, and I became happier here.
Christine Paul Cardenas
Kenosha Campus
During this time, I found myself surprised by the aid my instructors provided to me. They were very helpful and understanding during my time of need.
Gloria Mcknight
Online Campus
As a woman, I can see how underestimated we are within the IT industry, but I am excited to go against the grain in my career!
Sharee A. Smith
Atlanta Campus
When it comes to hands-on learning, though, nothing quite beats clinicals!
Phoebe Phypers
Orlando Campus
Herzing’s nursing courses helped me grow professionally, and my instructors gave constructive feedback that helped ensure my success in the program.…
Judith Reilley
Online Campus
I’m so proud that I was able to complete the program. My advice for other students is this: just do it!
Billy Bass
Kenosha Campus
Herzing is a close-knit environment. You build a network of relationships and friendships that you can take with you anywhere and everywhere.
Jasmine Cadet
Atlanta Campus
I knew that it wouldn’t be easy, but I learned that I am a stronger person than I gave myself credit for!
Tanya Jacobs
Kenosha Campus
I really liked my teachers a lot. They really cared and they didn't want you to fail. They were always there if you needed them.
Lucia Lackey
Online Campus
As an LPN, I already had a little bit of experience, but I knew that I wanted to hone my skills and knowledge.
Jochellee De Leon
Brookfield/Milwaukee Campus
I aspired to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse, knowing it would be challenging to balance work, family, and school.
Kristina Thomas
Brookfield/Milwaukee Campus
My advice for current students is to keep pushing and make sure to spread out homework to stay on track!
Samuel Klaustermeier
Online Campus
If I had any advice to students, it would be this: manage your time wisely and take advantage of the fact that you can turn assignments in early!
Raven Mcrae
Online Campus
Herzing’s MBA program taught me to think critically and strategically. My instructors had experience that brought a real-world feel to the classes,…
Stephanie Dennis
Online Campus
Networking is critical. My connection with Dr. Jolley was invaluable. She went above and beyond to help me, and her recommendations were key in…
Tara Magee
Online Campus
Smaller universities like Herzing matter and are a better experience for students.
Joe Johnson
New Orleans Campus
I want to bridge that gap and make a difference for those who need help the most.
Amber Hills
New Orleans Campus
If you have an interest in changing careers, the time is never too late. Being prepared is the key and Herzing can help you achieve that.
Michelle Wilton
Orlando Campus
There are many opportunities in this field, and I am excited to be getting in on the ground floor!
Melinda Burgard
Online Campus
I am a mother of two and I work full-time. While this is challenging at times, I am a firm believer that anything is possible and nothing is easy!…
Jennifer Turnquist
Minneapolis Campus
With Herzing, I didn't have to go through the runaround that was involved with the four-year colleges, and the curriculum was more specific to what I…
Stephen Fichter
Madison Campus
If it weren't for Herzing, I may have never succeeded at returning to school!
Cheyenne Altevogt
Online Campus