Steven Willis
I had always heard wonderful things about Herzing’s name and reputation from my friends. When I decided to earn my MSN-FNP, I knew that I wanted to check it out!
Herzing’s administration were all so helpful to me. They laid everything out in an easily understandable manner, had prompt communications and were the most thorough out of any other school I had looked into.
Once I started classes, the biggest problem I faced was time management. Juggling school, work and family was a lot! Luckily, with the online program, you can do school at any time of the day or night, so I was able to find a balance.
Where I live, we primarily have an older population, which is the demographic that I’ll be working with after graduation. With that in mind, I found Geriatric Adult Care and all of my clinical experiences to be the most helpful. I was surprised by just how much knowledge of every avenue is needed in the job, and happy I got to learn it.
I already have a job lined up at a local orthopedic group after graduation!
If I had any advice, it would be to go with Herzing! Their teachers, administration and financial aid departments are all so helpful and there to make your experience a good one! Never think that you can’t learn more, since there’s always room to grow!