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Herzing University

Lauren Dickerson

Lauren Dickerson

Herzing University allowed me to achieve my goals and obtain my degree while being a mom, a full-time employee and a wife. I was a food and beverage manager for years in the hotel industry and had to work closely with the human resources department in many aspects of my job. My work with them inspired me to want to work in human resources.

The staff members at Herzing were extremely helpful and encouraging. I had a very challenging couple of years where I had health issues and several deaths in my family. During those times, my academic advisor and instructors encouraged me to keep going and to complete my courses. I really appreciated this and it helped. When I wanted to take a semester off, my advisor convinced me to stay on and I am so thankful for that advice.

I am in love with the human resources field and I plan to continue my education by registering for the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification exam. I absolutely enjoyed my educational experience at Herzing University and will most definitely recommend Herzing to anyone looking for a university at which to continue their education.

I learned that it’s important to never give up and continue to move forward, no matter what this crazy life brings you. It will be difficult at times, but those difficult moments will help shape you into the person you want to become.