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Herzing University

Brady Esser

Brady Esser

About 11 years into my career as a police officer, I wanted to pursue a promotion. But I needed to complete my bachelor’s degree in order to so. The most important driving force for me to return to school was to set a good example for my children. I wanted to show them the importance of education and that if you start something, you need to finish it. After meeting the advisors and staff at Herzing University, I knew it was the right school for me. The Herzing staff did a great job explaining how well the university would work with a nontraditional college student like me with a family and a career. I was faced with several challenges throughout my academic career at Herzing. Both of my boys were born premature at 30 weeks. My wife was in the hospital for several weeks at a time and the boys were in the NICU for almost two months. We also had three older children at home, and my wife and I both work full-time. My professors and advisors were always understanding of the different challenges I was facing outside the classroom. They were always willing to work with me and that helped relieve any of my stress related to class and school. While at Herzing, I received my promotion with the understanding that I would complete my degree. I believe that the criminal justice program at Herzing was extremely beneficial and I highly recommend it for anyone in law enforcement. I look forward to focusing my attention on my new promotion and spending more time with my family.