Average room and board costs are determined based on the region in which Herzing University is based. This average goes into the financial aid cost of attendance calculation. These are not fees or charges that Herzing University assesses, but rather estimates of cost of living figures to be used when calculating financial aid eligibility. The figures are based on dependency status.
12 Month Credit and Clock Hour
Independent/Dependent living off campus | 1 Month | 2 Month | 3 Month | 4 Month | 5 Month | 6 Month | 7 Month | 9 Month | 10 Month | 11 Month | 12 Month |
Living Expenses | $992 | $1,984 | $2,976 | $3,968 | $4,960 | $5,952 | $6,944 | $8,928 | $9,920 | $10,912 | $11,904 |
Transportation | $206 | $412 | $618 | $824 | $1,030 | $1,236 | $1,442 | $1,854 | $2,060 | $2,266 | $2,472 |
Personal Expenses | $674 | $1,348 | $2,022 | $2,696 | $3,370 | $4,044 | $4,718 | $6,066 | $6,740 | $7,414 | $8,088 |
Dependent with parent | 1 Month | 2 Month | 3 Month | 4 Month | 5 Month | 6 Month | 7 Month | 9 Month | 10 Month | 11 Month | 12 Month |
Living Expenses | $496 | $992 | $1,488 | $1,984 | $2,480 | $2,976 | $3,472 | $4,464 | $4,960 | $5,456 | $5,952 |
Transportation | $103 | $206 | $309 | $412 | $515 | $618 | $721 | $927 | $1,030 | $1,133 | $1,236 |
Personal Expenses | $337 | $674 | $1,011 | $1,348 | $1,685 | $2,022 | $2,359 | $3,033 | $3,370 | $3,707 | $4,044 |
12 Month Credit and Clock Hour
Independent/Dependent living off campus | 1 Month | 2 Month | 3 Month | 4 Month | 5 Month | 6 Month | 7 Month | 9 Month | 10 Month | 11 Month | 12 Month |
Living Expenses | $1027 | $2054 | $3081 | $4108 | $5135 | $6162 | $7189 | $9243 | $10270 | $11297 | $12324 |
Personal Expenses | $578 | $1156 | $1734 | $2312 | $2890 | $3468 | $4046 | $5202 | $5780 | $6358 | $6936 |
Dependent with parent | 1 Month | 2 Month | 3 Month | 4 Month | 5 Month | 6 Month | 7 Month | 9 Month | 10 Month | 11 Month | 12 Month |
Living Expenses | $514 | $1028 | $1542 | $2056 | $2570 | $3084 | $3598 | $4626 | $5140 | $5654 | $6168 |
Personal Expenses | $289 | $578 | $867 | $1156 | $1445 | $1734 | $2023 | $2601 | $2890 | $3179 | $3468 |