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Herzing University

Articulation Agreements


Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU) Course Credit Transfer Agreement (CCTA) with Wisconsin Technical Colleges (WTCS)

To assist Wisconsin Technical College students in furthering their academic and career goals, Herzing University participates in a course-to-course agreement with Wisconsin’s 16 Technical Colleges. The WAICU-WTCS Course Credit Transfer Agreement is designed to ensure a smooth transfer process for Wisconsin Technical College students who wish to pursue a degree at Herzing University. The courses listed in this agreement will satisfy general education or general degree requirements when applicable. Students are responsible for confirming that these courses transfer to their intended program of study by working with their admissions advisor.


Herzing University is accepting transfer credits from the following domestic partner institutions:

Partner InstitutionState of Partner InstituionProgramsDirection of Transfer Agreement
Alvin Community CollegeTXAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Arizona CollegeAZAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Belmont CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Blackhawk Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Carteret Community CollegeNCAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Chippewa Valley Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
College of Lake CountyILAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Columbia State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Dyersburg State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Fayetteville Technical Community CollegeNCAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Fletcher Technical Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Fox Valley Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Gateway Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Georgia Piedmont Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Germanna Community CollegeVAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Gwinnett Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Hennepin Technical CollegeMNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Hibbing Community CollegeMNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Jackson State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Lakeshore Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Lorain County Community CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Louisiana Delta Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Madison Area Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Metropolitan Community CollegeNEAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Midland Technical CollegeSCAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Mid-State Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Moraine Park Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Motlow State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Nashville State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
North Central State CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
North Georgia Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Northeast State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Northeast Wisconsin Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Northwest State CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Nunez Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Oconee Fall Line Technical CollegeGA  
Owens Community CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Pellissippi State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Penn Foster CollegeAZAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Rhodes State CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Roane State Community CollegeTN  
Saint Paul CollegeMNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Southern Crescent Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Southwest Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Southwest Tennessee Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Stark State CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Terra State Community CollegeOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
University of Wisconsin - MilwaukeeWIBachelor of Science in Health SciencesTransfer to Partner Institution
Victoria CollegeTXAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Volunteer State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Washington State Community College of OhioOHAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Waukesha County Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
West Georgia Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Wiregrass Georgia Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Wisconsin Area Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Wor-Wic Community CollegeMDAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Northcentral Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Nicolet Area Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
William Rainey Harper CollegeILAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Chattanooga CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Baton Rouge Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Bossier Parish Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Central Louisiana Technical Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Delgado Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Northshore Technical Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
River Parishes Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
South Louisiana Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
SOWELA Technical Community CollegeLAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Houston Community College SystemTXAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Blue Ridge Community CollegeWVAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Rock Valley CollegeILAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Western Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Northwood Technical CollegeWIAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Compu-Med Vocational CareersFLAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Augusta Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Cleveland State Community CollegeTNAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution
Columbus Technical CollegeGAAll Applicable Bachelor Degree ProgramsTransfer from Partner Institution


Herzing University is accepting transfer credits from the following international partner institutions:

Partner InstitutionCountry of Partner InstituionProgramsDirection of Transfer Agreement
Acharya Banalore B SchoolIndiaMBATransfer from Partner Institution
The Association of Business Executives United KingdomBS in Management
Transfer from Partner Institution
BUBT Bangladesh University of Business and TechnologyBangladeshBS in Business ManagementTransfer from Partner Institution
Dania AcademyDenmarkBS In Business Management
BS in Information Technology
Transfer from Partner Institution
ITM Vocational UniversityIndiaBS in Business Management
Transfer from Partner Institution
Jaiprakash Educational Trust SocietyIndiaMBATransfer from Partner Institution
Shanghai Lixin University - International ProgramChinaBS in Business Management
BS in Accounting
Transfer from Partner Institution
Shazhou Professional Institute of TechnologyChinaBS in Technology Management
BS in Business Management
Transfer from Partner Institution
Singidunum UniversitySerbiaBS in Information Technology 
BS in Business Management
Transfer from Partner Institution
Siva Sivani Institute of ManagementIndiaMBATransfer from Partner Institution
University of Ecology and Management in WarsawPolandBS in Business ManagementTransfer from Partner Institution
Zhuhai College of Jilin UniversityChinaBS in Technology Management
BS in Healthcare Management
BS in Business Management
Transfer from Partner Institution